Pandia SearchWorld

Search World was Pandia's section for news and the latest headlines on Web searching and much more. The section was to to bring you the latest webmaster news updates several times a week.

The section is no longer updated, but some of the popular articles of this section are made available for visitors at our archives section. You can use them for reference but some of them may not be updated since longer.

There are still quite a few sites out there focusing on relevant industry news. Some of them cater to the needs of searchers, others take care of the online marketing audience.

If you are looking for Internet news in general, please visit our Newsfinder. If you’re looking for top search sites then you can check all in one search section.

The site now offers product comparison and research to help users find the right products for their business. We cover a range of products including seo software, search engine rank trackers, referral marketing software, membership software and many small business products along with features, price comparison and much more.

If you have any question, please feel free to ask us.